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How to find friends as an adult

We are not meant to live our whole lives in isolation. We are created for community, but life can so easily get in the way of finding and building friendships. A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about how much moms need solitude…

March 18, 2024

5 dates busy moms need on their calendars now

Why is it so hard to make time for relationships as an adult? I get to the end of the week and notice I haven’t called my mom. The month comes and goes, and family night or date night never happened. December rolls around,…

January 18, 2024

What to do when goals are intimidating

You are not too late.  Well, if you’re like me, you’re probably late for something, but you are not too late to set your intentions for 2024. We’re a dozen days into the year, and I already feel behind on the whole “reflection and…

January 13, 2024

Now what? Planning for fun after the holidays

Do you feel a sense of sadness or disappointment when the holidays end? Maybe the Christmas season had you riding high on twinkling lights, sugar cookies, and general merry making. But, after we round the corner to a new year, the lights are taken…

January 4, 2024