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    Mom’s guide to solitude: How to find it and use it

    January 29, 2024

    Moms seem to crave solitude, but the idea of it is almost laughable with young children in the house. I believe solitude is important, even vital, for the health of our mind, heart, and soul at any stage of life. But in the middle of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and sibling rivalry, we have to fight harder for it during motherhood. I love my children. I love that they want to share their stories, complaints, and desires with me…

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    What to do when goals are intimidating

    You are not too late.  Well, if you’re like me, you’re probably late for something, but you are not too late to set your intentions for 2024. We’re a dozen days into the year,…

    January 13, 2024
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    Why fun is worth the effort

    My name is Malarie. I share my small-town life with four of my favorite people in the world – my husband and three children. I’m on a mission to prove that joy, adventure, and…

    June 14, 2022