We all want deeper relationships with some people. Maybe you feel a strong connection with a friend. Maybe you want to be closer to the people in your church or a relative. We can bring more depth to a relationship by investing ourselves in…
What do you expect family night to look like? Maybe a fairytale scene comes to mind with all your family members laughing around a game of pictionary or charades, munching on a buffet of you lovingly prepared. Or maybe it involves lots of playful…
My children’s rooms are just too tidy. Why is this bad? Because they don’t play much. Their toys rarely leave the toy bins. My oldest son loves technology and video games, so I daily have to pull his head out of a screen to…
My name is Malarie. I share my small-town life with four of my favorite people in the world – my husband and three children. I’m on a mission to prove that joy, adventure, and fun are available every day when we intentionally pursue it.…