We are not meant to live our whole lives in isolation. We are created for community, but life can so easily get in the way of finding and building friendships. A few weeks ago, I wrote an article about how much moms need solitude…
Why is it so hard to make time for relationships as an adult? I get to the end of the week and notice I haven’t called my mom. The month comes and goes, and family night or date night never happened. December rolls around,…
Every time chaos seems to reign at home, we have two choices – fight it or embrace it. Embrace the chaos. Sometimes, it’s the only way to stay sane or maintain good relationships. When I fight it, I become short-tempered, bitter, and anxious. When…
We all want deeper relationships with some people. Maybe you feel a strong connection with a friend. Maybe you want to be closer to the people in your church or a relative. We can bring more depth to a relationship by investing ourselves in…